Tiny Mud Park
ContentsWe propose a micro-sized urban mud play park that will enrich your five senses and connect you to the earth as an alternative way to utilize urban spaces.
22.Oct.2023 - 05.Nov.2023
22.Oct.2023 (13:00-16:00)
This event is where children can play with Mud Park, the work on display this time.
It's free and you can come and go as long as you like during business hours.
Target audience: Children & playful adults
N/A (Yukako Ishikawa + Daiki Kanaoka)
Yukako Ishikawa : Urbanist / Experience Designer / Co-Chairman of General Incorporated Association for Cities / Podcaster
With the motto of "making full use of the city with our own hands," we have intervened in various cities in Japan and overseas, such as Shibuya, Amsterdam, Cairo, and Ho Chi Minh as an "stranger" while planning small citizen-led activities in the city. Established “General Incorporated Association for Cities,” a design studio for urban experiences. Operates “forcities.org,” a platform for urbanists worldwide, and “Urbanist School,” a place of learning. He presides over "Dear Tree Project," a data platform for roadside trees that re-edits the relationship between towns, greenery, and edits. She publishes "Meaningful City Magazine," which reconsiders cities from their meaning. Conducts research, planning, editing, and development of educational programs on the theme of cities. One of my favorite moments in the city is on the way home.
KANAOKA Daiki : He was born in Tokyo in 1989. After studying architecture in the UK, he participated in the launch of FabCafe Tokyo. He specializes in digital fabrication and conducts production design and planning based on FAB. He is FabCafe Tokyo's COO/CTO. At the same time, he was in charge of the direction of the "Connecting Forms Exhibition" at the Tomohiro Tate Laboratory at the University of Tokyo. Academic staff member at the University of Tokyo. Part-time lecturer at Tokyo University of the Arts.
6-14 Nihonbashi Yokoyamacho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
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